Timo Goosen

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Terraform Cheatsheet

Validate Terraform code:

$ terraform validate

Quick Reference:

Lint Terraform code:

$ terraform fmt -ls

Download and update modules in root of module:

$ terraform get


$ terraform refresh

Pull the state:

$ terraform state pull staging

Import a resource:

$ terraform import -var-file=common/staging.tfvars aws_security_group.elb_sg sg-07f3fabbb69c1a80f

Sometimes if you try import a resource and you dont have any code related to that resource you will get an error, then do this:

resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
  # (resource arguments)

Then try import it: (Now you can import it/them)

terraform import -var-file=common/prod.tfvars  aws_subnet.public[2] subnet-02dfb6a3254ba7909
terraform import -var-file=common/prod.tfvars  aws_subnet.public[1] subnet-0e26b354f4a0af2bc
terraform import -var-file=common/prod.tfvars  aws_subnet.public[0] subnet-04ca788ee17dd95a0


$ terraform destroy -target module.acm_dev3.aws_acm_certificate.main_virginia -target module.acm_dev3.aws_acm_certificate.main_singapore -var-file=common/base.tfvars

Use specific PR in terraform module:

source = "git@github.com:timogoosen/some-terraform-module?ref=CPE1048"


terraform init

Use Remote state with local:

Here is an example to use remote state by declaring it as a local.

locals {
  main_public_https_cert_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.base_environment.outputs.acm_staging_arn


Here we reference the local which references the remote state:

resource "aws_lb_listener" "main_public_https" {

  certificate_arn   = local.main_public_https_cert_arn